"A VAGA who is mentored,
Is a VAGA who helps others"

HVBR MentorshiP
Providing womxn the opportunity to connect, build a professional network, and gain insight on the experiences of womxn navigating higher education and the professional world.
Ability to identify and develop personal, academic, and career goals
Building a community for Women of Color (WOC) through a virtual platform
Providing access to mentors and other academic and professional resources
Develop writing, research, and presentation skills
Build professional networking skills
Provide professional development resources, including but not limited to: resume review, cover letter samples, etc.
Understanding power and privilege, and systemic issues for womxn in higher education and the work-force
How does this impact womxn navigating the work-force?
How can womxn gain support navigating job searches?
How can womxn educate themselves about these challenges?
It is important to understand that mentoring relationships are a partnership and mutual support and respect are necessary for healthy partnerships. By participating in the mentorship program, you are committing to the time and responsibilities that are integral to the program.

Take initiative to drive the relationship and be responsible for your own career development and planning
Identify how your mentor can support you through your goals
Invest time into getting to know who your mentor is, their journey, and how they navigated their journey
Provide feedback about the mentoring relationship and be open to receiving feedback. Ask your mentor how they like to receive feedback
Ask for suggestions and advice early in the relationship
Meet in a formal advising session at least once a month. This can be facilitated over the phone, via GoogleHangOuts, Skype, etc.

Mentors serve a critical role in executing the goals and objectives of HVBR by engaging mentees in mentoring and networking experiences,
Provide mentees with knowledge, insight, and understanding of the professional opportunities available in their respective field and higher education
Help foster relationships between mentee and other professionals/connections
Meet in a formal advising session at least once a month. This can be facilitated over the phone, via GoogleHangOuts, Skype, etc.
Provide help, offer suggestions, and be a sounding board for issues relating to the mentee’s career goals and development
Provide and be open to feedback. When providing feedback, be honest, yet tactful. Always ask your mentee how they like to receive feedback
We are currently not accepting mentor applications. Please check back later.
TASKS for mentors & MENTEES
Develop goals for the year.
Is there a particular project to accomplish? Alone? Together?
What help will be needed to accomplish these goals?
How will your mentor help?
Set expectations for one another.
How often will meetings occur?
How will conflicts be resolved?
What is the best way to communicate?
Here are a few common expectations mentor and mentee typically agree on and could be established at the beginning of a relationship:
Always maintain confidentiality between one another.
Keep any commitments that are made.
Evaluate the relationship at various points within an agreed-upon time frame.
Meet regularly with your mentee. Determine a regularly scheduled meeting time and make other arrangements if plans need to change.
Accept and value one another’s differences.
When you meet, give each other your full and undivided attention (turn the cell phone to silent or mention your reasoning for leaving it on if necessary).
Be responsible for your own learning and actions.
Plan to be open to trying new things.
Build trust with one another by being open and honest.
Mentors should not be expected to:
Provide the mentee with personal introductions to other people, unless they’re comfortable doing so.
Spend more time on the relationship than they are willing or able to provide.
Take the lead in the relationship, setting up all the meetings and driving the development of the mentee.
Continue the relationship beyond the agreed-upon time frame.
Limitations of Mentorship:
The Her Vaga Bound Roots, Inc. Team helps pair mentees and mentors, but is not responsible for the outcome of the mentor-mentee relationship.
Mentors will be nationwide, and while this physical distance can be a limitation, it should not prohibit healthy relationships from forming between the mentor and the mentee.